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Not much of a Dominant?

Here is my conversation on msn with a submissive from Lavalife.

thomas: hello Ma'am

Domina Jade: hello

Domina Jade: so I granted you permission to chat with me for a bit on msn

thomas: thank you Ma'am

thomas: you are looking for a masochist ?

Domina Jade: absolutely

thomas: as a personal sub to you Ma'am?

Domina Jade: well that option might be available but it all depends

thomas: may i ask on what Ma'am?

Domina Jade: well for one thing I don't want a do-me submissive

thomas: no Ma'am

Domina Jade: When I choose a submissive it will be on my terms

thomas: but i may not like all your likes and do have my own limits...

Domina Jade: well of course and I respect that

thomas: somehow i knew that

Domina Jade: I don't like someone dictating what I can do

thomas:i see

Domina Jade: however I will push limits

thomas: you mean not dictating my hard limits Ma'am?

Domina Jade: not quite, it's more like telling me to do this and that without
considering what I want first

Domina Jade: I have disregarded countless 'subs' who launch into what I should do to them, rather than ask what they can do for me

thomas: may i ask what i can do for you first MA'am?

Domina Jade: well I prefer casual conversation for now

thomas: i appreciate that

Domina Jade: I want to know more about you and why you think you can serve me

thomas: well mainly because you are looking for someone who loves pain Ma'am...i love
corporal discipline...up to the cane as my pic is kinda showing

thomas: but i also would like to know about what other things you like to not sure i am capable of those things or they could be things i havent tried or hard limits

thomas: i am also a very nice down to earth man who loves to have fun

Domina Jade: well I enjoy severe cp, strap-on play, slight feminization, trampling, bondage, humblers, medical scenes, play piercing, temp. branding, gs,

Domina Jade: but most importantly I enjoy being spontaneous with my scenes

thomas: i appreciate that...

thomas: I enjoy severe cp, bondage and have not tried the others and would not be interested...sorry

Domina Jade: I am pretty big on verbal and physical humiliation too

thomas: thats acceptable

Domina Jade: well if you are not really interested in the rest as I am then I don't think this will work out. When I am searching for a submissive, I prfer that he enjoys overall the similar activities that I also like

thomas: then you cant be much of a Dominant Woman have no idea what a submissive is then Ma'am...its not only what you like or think ... and appreciate your're right this would never work!!

thomas: take care

So am I the only person to see something wrong here? I am not much of a Dominant woman because I actually express what I am interested in and follow those views? What am I to do, mend my ways just because a submissive does not share similar tastes? Before I could respond back thomas logged off - well in any case he's blocked for his lack of manners towards the end of the convo.

The way I see it, I will not waste my time on someone who is not compatible with me. If he/she does not participate nor has no interest in trying then why should I give him my precious time?? What we had here was a situation of non-compatibility. I would have accepted if we left it at that but no, he leaves an insulting remark that I am not 'domme' enough. Which leaves me to believe he's a do-me submissive afterall. Well better I know sooner than later as I say....

~Domina Jade


Anonymous said…
If he's got a laundry list of things to do and he only wants those things exclusively then it's quite possible he might only get them in a pro session, eh?

A personal sub ought to be compatible with his Mistress, otherwise it'll be no fun for either of them.
Domina Jade said…
I agree with both alex and andre (hi andre welcome to my blog :)

*IF* I were to interview a submissive for a position as my personal submissive then he'd better be able to serve me in almost everything that I ask for. No, I don't expect a submissive to be 100% compatible in terms of interests, but having one or 2 similar activities doesn't cut it for me. No, it's not always about me - I'd say it's 99.99% about me :P

Seriously tho, even if he were looking for a pro session, I still interview as if he were a potentional candidate to serve me personally. I will make a few acceptions like the submissive cannot see me on a regular basis i.e married or limited income, he's not a hardcore masochist but is willing to try, he's inexperienced but open-minded, etc. If I see a genuine interest to learn and to please me then this is the type of submissive that will attract me. Otherwise, I see no point in continuing the conversation.

~Domina Jade

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